Unfortunately, with cheap hosting comes cheap processing power. The stack that I used to display all of the COVID stats was too harsh for cheap hosting and I had to remove it. I do have backups of the raw but compiled data that I look to place on the site once I extract them. After that I may recreate some of the more interesting analyses.
UPDATE: You can down load the 3GB file here.
This raw, compiled data consists of data from January 2020 to April of 2023 as it related to the COVID 19 pandemic. It includes data sourced from the following:
Data | Frequency | Original Source | |
Country COVID Data | Daily | Link | |
Country Testing Data | Weekly | Link | |
US County COVID Data | Daily? | Link | |
US County Population Data | Annually | Link | |
Wisconsin COVID Data | Daily | Link | |
Historical Hospital Capacity | Weekly | Link | |
Nursing Home COVID Data | Weekly | Link | |
NY Nursing Home COVID Data | Bi-Weekly | Link | |
Spread Rate (R1) Values | Daily | Link | |
Presidential Election Data (Counties) | As Needed | Link | |
State Governor Data | As Needed | Link | |
Mobility Data | Daily | Link | |
Unemployment | Monthly | Link | |
State Testing Data | Daily | Link | |
School Data | As Needed | Link | |
More School Data | As Needed | Link | |
Air Conditioning by Country | As Needed | Link |
Data Structure:
The data is structured by day (Date).
Geo is the name of the physical area described, uniqueID being the primary key (with Date).
uniqueID_Parent is a self referencing column in the same table and references the uniqueID of the parent.
Geo’s are in a hierarchy described below using geoType:
Basic hierarchy
State only statistics:
nonMetros (similar to NonMetro)
Party only statistics:
Available Fields:
Date | hospitalizedCumulative_child | dosesNeededi |
Geo | R1Upper | dosesRemainingi |
geoType | R1Lower | DaysUntilHerdImmunity_VacInfected |
Parent | Party | DaysUntilHerdImmunity_VacOnly |
Region | mandate_Businesses | projectedHerdImmunity_VacOnly |
ISO3 | mandate_Masks | projectedHerdImmunity_VacInfected |
tempMultiplier | mandate_Community | DailyPeopleVaccinated_7DayAvg_PrevPeriod |
DailyTests | popWtTempMultiplier | DailyPercentPopVaccinated_7DayAvg_PrevPeriod |
TotalTests | popWtTempF | DailyVaccinesDelivered_7DayAvg_PrevPeriod |
DailyCases | tempF | DailyVaccinesDistributed_7DayAvg_PrevPeriod |
TotalCases | ParentPopulation | DailyVaccinesAdministered_7DayAvg_PrevPeriod |
DailyDeaths | PercParentPop | DailyPercentVaccinesAdministered_7DayAvg_PrevPeriod |
TotalDeaths | popWtTempMultiplierParent | DailyPeopleVaccinated_ChangeRate |
Population | popWtTempFParent | DailyPercentPopVaccinated_ChangeRate |
NursingWeeklyCases | fips | DailyVaccinesDelivered_ChangeRate |
NursingTotalCases | msa | DailyVaccinesDistributed_ChangeRate |
NursingWeeklyDeaths | MetroName | DailyVaccinesAdministered_ChangeRate |
NursingTotalDeaths | IsProtest | DailyPercentVaccinesAdministered_ChangeRate |
hospitalizedCurrently | NursingDailyCases | Cases_Rank_Sibling |
hospitalizedCumulative | NursingDailyDeaths | Deaths_Rank_Sibling |
hospitalizedIncrease | month | Tests_Rank_Sibling |
inIcuCurrently | year | PosGrow_Rank_Sibling |
inIcuCumulative | tempF_HI | R1_Rank_Sibling |
onVentilatorCurrently | tempMultiplier_avg | PercentPopVaccinated_Full_Rank_Sibling |
onVentilatorCumulative | tempF_avg | PercentPopVaccinated_Rank_Sibling |
LicBeds | Series_Complete_12PlusPop_Pct | PercentPopVaccinated_1Dose_Rank_Sibling |
FlexBeds | perVaccinated2Doses_18to65 | PercentVaccinesAdministered_Rank_Sibling |
UtilizedBeds | perVaccinated2Doses_65Plus | PercnetDailyAdministered_7DayAvg_Rank_Sibling |
IcuBeds | PosGrow_Rate | PercnetDailyVaccinated_7DayAvg_Rank_Sibling |
UtilizedVents | Death_Rate | Cases_Rank_GeoType |
UtilizedBeds_ICU | Hospitalizaiton_Rate | Deaths_Rank_GeoType |
MobilityRate | ICU_Rate | Tests_Rank_GeoType |
UnempRate | Ventilator_Rate | PosGrow_Rank_GeoType |
Death_Rate_Democrat | COVID_Remaining_Bed_Usage_Rate | R1_Rank_GeoType |
Death_Rate_Republican | COVID_ICU_Utilization_Rate | VaccinationsDosesPerCapita_Rank_GeoType |
PosGrow_Rate_Democrat | COVID_and_Utilized_Beds | VaccinationRate_Rank_GeoType |
PosGrow_Rate_Republican | Cases_PerMillion | tempWt_DailyCases |
Cases_PerMillion_Democrat | Deaths_PerMillion | tempWt_TotalCases |
Cases_PerMillion_Republican | Tests_PerMillion | tempWt_DailyCases_PerMillion |
Deaths_PerMillion_Democrat | DailyCases_PerMillion | tempWt_Cases_PerMillion |
Deaths_PerMillion_Republican | DailyDeaths_PerMillion | tempWt_DailyCases_PerMillion_7DayAvg |
Tests_PerMillion_Democrat | DailyTests_PerMillion | tempWt_DailyCases_4WeekAvg |
Tests_PerMillion_Republican | PercentPopTested | tempWt_PosGrow_Rate |
DailyPeopleVaccinated | EstimatedTotalCases | tempWt_PosGrow_Rate_7DayAvg |
DailyPercentPopVaccinated | EstimatedPercentInfected | tempWt_DailyDeaths |
DailyVaccinesDelivered | Deaths_7DayAvg | tempWt_TotalDeaths |
DailyVaccinesAdministered | MobilityRate_7DayAvg | tempWt_TotalDeaths_PerMillion |
DailyVaccinesDistributed | PosGrow_Rate_7DayAvg | tempWt_DailyDeaths_PerMillion |
DailyPercentVaccinesAdministered | Cases_PerMillion_7DayAvg | tempWt_DailyDeaths_PerMillion_7DayAvg |
TotalPeopleVaccinated | Tests_PerMillion_7DayAvg | tempWt_DailyDeaths_4WeekAvg |
PercentPopVaccinated | Deaths_PerMillion_7DayAvg | MobilityRate_Parent |
TotalVaccinesDelivered | DailyCases_PerMillion_7DayAvg | PosGrow_Rate_Parent |
TotalVaccinesAllotted | DailyTests_PerMillion_7DayAvg | Death_Rate_Parent |
TotalVaccinesDistributed | DailyDeaths_PerMillion_7DayAvg | UnempRate_Parent |
TotalVaccinesAdministered | DailyCases_7DayAvg | uniqueID_Parent |
PercentVaccinesAdministered | DailyTests_7DayAvg | MobilityRate_gParent |
lastUpdated_vaccinations | DailyDeaths_7DayAvg | PosGrow_Rate_gParent |
totalVaccinated2Doses | DailyCases_4WeekAvg | Death_Rate_gParent |
totalVaccinated1Dose | DailyTests_4WeekAvg | UnempRate_gParent |
PercentAdminOfDist | DailyDeaths_4WeekAvg | uniqueID |
percnetVaccinated2Doses | DailyCases_PerMillion_4WeekAvg | NursingCases_PerMillion |
percnetVaccinated1Dose | DailyTests_PerMillion_4WeekAvg | NursingDeaths_PerMillion |
R1 | DailyDeaths_PerMillion_4WeekAvg | NursingDailyCases_PerMillion |
UtilizedBeds_COVID | Mobility_RetailAndRecreation_7DayAvg | NursingDailyDeaths_PerMillion |
UtilizedBeds_ICU_COVID | Mobility_GorceryAndPharmacy_7DayAvg | exNursingDailyCases |
Mobility_RetailAndRecreation | Mobility_Parks_7DayAvg | exNursingDailyDeaths |
Mobility_GorceryAndPharmacy | Mobility_MassTransit_7DayAvg | exNursingCases_PerMillion |
Mobility_Parks | Mobility_Work_7DayAvg | exNursingDeaths_PerMillion |
Mobility_MassTransit | Mobility_Home_7DayAvg | exNursingDailyCases_PerMillion |
Mobility_Work | Mobility_Total_7DayAvg | exNursingDailyDeaths_PerMillion |
Mobility_Home | DailyPeopleVaccinated_7DayAvg | exNursingDailyCases_PerMillion_7DayAvg |
mandate_OverallScore | DailyPeopleVaccinated_14DayAvg | exNursingDailyDeaths_PerMillion_7DayAvg |
mandate_BusinessesScore | DailyPercentPopVaccinated_7DayAvg | |
mandate_masksScore | DailyVaccinesDelivered_7DayAvg | |
mandate_CommunityScore | DailyVaccinesDistributed_7DayAvg | |
UtilizedBeds_SUS_COVID | DailyVaccinesAdministered_7DayAvg | |
UtilizedBeds_ICU_SUS_COVID | DailyPercentVaccinesAdministered_7DayAvg | |
inIcuIncrease | dosesNeeded | |
hospitalizedIncrease_child | dosesGiven | |
hospitalizedCurrently_child | dosesRemaining |